
Waste Heat

Approximately one fifth of the global energy consumption is used for industrial process heat. Even though some of this heat is used for the products themselves, a large portion of this energy remains unused.


Minimal temperature needed for the production of electrical energy


Minimal temperature needed for power production from exhaust gases

20 kW

Smallest electrical power output of our waste heat recovery equipment

Typical industries that generate waste heat are:

  • Steelmaking
  • Cement manufacturing
  • Glass production
  • Refineries
  • Chemical plants
  • Ceramics Manufacturing
  • Copper production
  • Aluminium production
  • and many others...

Commonly waste heat from before mentioned processes is available as warm water with temperatures around 100°C or low pressure water steam. These heat sources can be utilized with our screw expander low temperature units.

For waste heat that comes from hot exhaust gases with temperatuers exceeding ~200°C we offer our high temperature turbine units. With a thermal oil cycle the heat from the exhaust gases can be collected even from multiple sources and transported efficiently to our turbine ORC-systems.